Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The newest member of the VanIrving family

Ashley sold me her little car before she headed down to San Diego for University with a new car of her own!  Thanks Ashley...I'm in love with your car!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Historic Train Ride & Craft Fair

Dorothy & Jeffery boarded a historic train for the annual Scenic Trip through the Feather River Canyon.  It started out in Portola.  They called to let us know what side of the train they'd be on so we could wave at them, but they failed to mention that the train didn't leave Portola until 9 instead of 8 as planned.  Grant and I got to watch the morning arrive in the meadow out near Spring Garden where we decided we could take pictures and get maximum viewing pleasure.  For all that waiting (an hour and a half), the actual time the train was in view was about 2 minutes.  The pictures below are all I could manage between waving and just plain looking!  Dorothy hollered Hiiiiii Saaarrraaaaaa as they passed.

Here it comes!

And there it goes.....

Craft Fair in Graeagle

Monday, August 16, 2010

Fair & Parade Highlights - 2010

Grant and I went to the Fair on Friday night since Dorothy & Jeffery were working the Scottish Society booth.  It was interesting to discover the low output from people's gardens at the Horticultural building (I've had an off year as well), but the scarecrow competition somewhat made up for it.

The Parade ~ Highlights
(During which 5 fires were being put out in the Canyon)