I drove down to Tobin this past Saturday, partly because it was forecast as a cold weekend, and mainly because I wanted to see Dorothy & Jeffery. The plan was to take a hike from their house, down the hill to the east end of the Railroad bridge over Highway 70 through the Feather River Canyon. We hiked westward, over the highway and the highway bridge (which is why it's called Twin bridges by locals). Shay-pup was a valiant member of our hiking group...as many of you may know, it's not easy walking across ballast, which is what the rocks are called that are used in laying these tracks. We ended up at Rock Creek village, which is a PG&E housing community where men and their families used to live and work here in years past. A couple of the homes are still in use today, but most of them are not. It was a brisk and windy day, but beautiful for taking a hike.
The railroad bridge looking west
Dorothy starts off. Note the highway bridge to the left. Looking down through the walkway/tracks to the Feather River below. Jeffery, Shay and Dorothy.Looking back at the Twin Bridges.
The rocks are so pretty shaped by the high water over the eons. (Click on picture to enlarge)
A little waterfall and mossy grotto.
River rocks below the bridge at Rock Creek.